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Money Plan SOS

The no-debt approach to living a full life in a country addicted to credit cards, car loans, and an unrealized bondage to “building a good credit score”.

This show will make you think differently about the way we handle money - while also encouraging you to save and spend wisely.

This feed offers the 200 public releases of the Money Plan SOS podcast, plus bonus recordings never heard before on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google.

Enjoy! And pay attention - not interest!

The Money Plan SOS podcast was retired in December 2015, the month Steve and his wife paid off their mortgage!

Mar 15, 2013

#101: Have you ever considered where money came from? The basics of all things finance lays in the concept of a centralized currency with variable purchase power. The great news is that it's a very simple subject, but it has morphed into this horrible set of non-tangible products that are being marketed to you day after [...]

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