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Money Plan SOS

The no-debt approach to living a full life in a country addicted to credit cards, car loans, and an unrealized bondage to “building a good credit score”.

This show will make you think differently about the way we handle money - while also encouraging you to save and spend wisely.

This feed offers the 200 public releases of the Money Plan SOS podcast, plus bonus recordings never heard before on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google.

Enjoy! And pay attention - not interest!

The Money Plan SOS podcast was retired in December 2015, the month Steve and his wife paid off their mortgage!

Sep 25, 2013

#125: God wants you to be rich. How do I know? Because Jesus died to pay our debts - so at least we all get to start with a net worth of zero!

Also, Jesus also told us the Parable of the Talents.

It's a story of a rich man that went away and left a [read more at

Sep 13, 2013

#124: There are 4 steps to help make smart purchasing decisions. Being responsible with your money is very important when trying to get out of debt. We all want our money to go as far as it can and wasting money isn't being responsible money managers. The better we use our money the more we have to [...]

The post 4...

Sep 6, 2013

#123: CBS news reported that 76% of American households are living paycheck to paycheck. Less than half have three months of worth savings.

We are sending our kids to college with no money and over a trillion dollars of outstanding student loan debt.

Normal in America is being broke. It's time to get weird.It's time to...